FGBMFI and LoF Entrepreneurs Association Discusses the Benefits of Onogra – SWA

The Nucleus Farama team, represented by Laura Christina as Senior Product Manager discussed how to improve the harmony of married couples with Onogra products produced by the pharmaceutical company.

In this event, Nucleus Farma collaborated directly with Prof. Dr. dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, SpAnd-KSAAM who is a professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Department of Andology and Sectionology and the head of several associations, namely Persandi, ASI, INCAAM & InAAAM.

Source : https://swa.co.id/swa/trends/gabungan-pengusaha-fgbmfi-dan-lof-membahas-manfaat-onogra

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