Nucleus Farma Raih Penghargaan di Ajang Inovasi Terbesar Asia

NATIONAL Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) kembali mengadakan lomba Thailand Inventors Day 2023 dengan mengusung tema International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition (IPITEx 2023). Sumber:

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Hiliration Research, Excellence Prof Dr Apt Syamsudin, to be Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pancasila

The hiliration of research results will become the flagship work program of Prof. Dr. apt Syamsudin, M Biomed, after being appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University…

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Capsule Manufacturer from India Explores Business with Nucleus Farma – Media Indonesia

ASSOCIATED Capsule Group (ACG) from India is exploring a collaboration with PT Natura Nuswantara Nirmala (Nucleus Farma). ACG is a capsule manufacturer serving customers from the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and dietary…

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Leading Bio-Tech Company in Indonesia Nucleus Farma gets 2 Patents at Once –, Jakarta-Nucleus Farma (PT Natura Nuswantara Nirmala) is a leading bio-tech company which is an innovative producer of natural medicines and health supplements, using local natural ingredients native to Indonesia,…

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Breakthrough Biotech Innovation “Indonesian Bio-Tech Company Wins 2 Patents at Once” – News Detik

Jakarta - PT Natura Nuswantara Nirmala (Nucleus Farma) obtained patents for two inventions, which had previously been registered with the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Law…

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